Explain the Configurations Required for Taxes in SAP.

You need to define the following to customize SAP for this purpose:

  1. Base Amount for Tax Calculation:
    For each Company Code you need to define whether the Base Amount includes the cash discount as well. If the base amount includes the discount, then the tax base is called ‘Gross,’ otherwise, it is ‘Net.’ You may also define a similar base amount for calculating the ‘Cash Discount.’ This also has to be maintained for each of the Company Codes.
  2. Tax Codes
    The Tax Code is a 2-digit code specifying the percentage of tax to be calculated on the base amount. While defining the tax code, you will also specify the ‘Tax Type’ to classify a tax code relating to either ‘Input Tax’ or ‘Output Tax.’ The tax types are country specific and determine how a tax is calculated and posted.
  3. Tax Rate
    The Tax Rate is the percentage of tax to be calculated on a base amount. You will be able to define tax rates for one or more tax types when you define a single tax code.
  4. Check Indicators
    By using the check indicators, you configure the system to issue Error/Warning Messages when the tax amount entered manually is incorrect.

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